PCTV Package - Windows Media Center questions & answers

Provides access for tuning into TV programming
Question by Gary
September 8, 2016

Is there anything else I will need to pick up TV programs? I have just installed media player and it says I need other components to get TV.

Answer by Alex Urbach

Windows Media Player or the app you've installed is not enough to watch TV. In 90 % of the cases you also need the hardware that's attached to PC in different ways (PCI slot, USB, etc) to be able to watch TV. Plus a cable subscription is also necessary as well.

I've checked and I was right, the app requires a TV tunner card attached to PC in order to watch TV Channels.

For additional info, check the following website: http://pctvsystems.com/tabid/62/default.aspx/Downloads/Application/tabid/124/language/en-GB/Default.aspx

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